May 3, 2005

Human & Technology

We the humans use the technology on our daily bases activates such as computers, phones, TV's, lights, transportation, etc.

Does the technology effect us negatively in our activates?


  1. I'm tech-positive. I think technology can be either positive or negative depending on how you use it. For myself, I'd say that technology has had an extremely positive effect on my life. Sometimes I do overdo it, like when I spend too much online and then I feel guilty that I've neglected my family. But so long as you take control and don't let it take control of you, I think it's made a huge positive impact on our lives.

  2. I mostly consider Technology as a way that makes our lieves much easeir to process and every generation sees the revolution of the technlogy is faster if you compare it with in 5 years diffrence.
