Jun 27, 2012


I was sitting opposite an hypocrite person, after friends called her. I feel that I'm also hypocrite to be sitting with her, I feel angry because of that.

I've been forced to sit with her in several occasions because of my friends are her friends, and they don't see what I see in her.

I feel heat steaming out of my face, it just unbearable to be with someone you dislike, am I been negative or overreacts? I might so.

I can't get up or walk out whenever anyone of us steps in the room or place, I would be extremely rude. Her main agenda to be lovable by everyone, and to keep good relations especially with me, because of the appearances (very important for her social network).

I managed to politely turn down several invitations from her, and now she's using my friends to get through me, which I can see that. I made sure my relationship with her is more of professional then personal, specially after the big stun she played to manipulate my feelings but God protected me & I found out the next before I opened my mouth and spread false information.

The funny thing, whenever she comes up to me, she looks stressful as if everything over her head (same scenario).

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