مقال : عبدالرحمن الشهيب ..
يسحب الزوج نفساً عميقاً من لي المعسل ثم يدخل يده في جيبه ساحباً الجوال ليهاتف أم العيال: وصلتوا...! أنا سأتأخر قليلاً في استراحة التسدح!... ثم يأتي لمنزله قبالة الفجر..الأولاد من أن يدخلوا المنزل يرمون كل شيء في أيديهم ... حقائبهم المدرسية، أحذيتهم، بقايا فسحتهم... ثم يصيح الصبي ذو العاشرة في وجه الخادمة الآسيوية: 'جيبي لي مويه'، فتركض فزعة لتحضر كوب الماء لهذا الصبي المأفون، وهو لا يريد ماء، قدر ما كان يريد أن يلقي أوامر! أطفالنا ما أطول ألسنتهم أمام أمهاتهم والخادمات ولكنهم أمام الكاميرا يصبحون كالأرانب المذعورة، لا أدري كيف يحدث هذا ..
أحسن شيء سائق وشغالة، من يتحمل مشاوير أم العيال، ومن يتحمل قيادة السيارات في شوارعنا المكتظة بالمخالفات المرورية والطائشين والسائقين النزقين، فليتحمل المسئولية السائق الآسيوي فكلها حفنة ريالات. ومن يتحمل تغسيل الصحون والملابس وشطف البلاط وتسقية الحديقة وكي الملابس... آه ما أثقل دم كي الملابس ... هاهي حفنة ريالات أخرى لخادمة آسيوية تعمل كل هذه الأعمال الشاقة... ولتتفرغ أم العيال لتصليح الحلى والبنات لمتابعة الفضائيات والتجول في الأسواق والأولاد لمضايقة بنات الناس في الأسواق! وهو لا يدري أنها ممكن أن تكون أخته في يوم من الأيام،
الكسل أحلى من العسل.. ماذا جنى الأولاد والبنات من هذا الكسل؟ لا شيء سوى الطفش! دائماً صغارنا وكبارنا طفشانين.. لأنهم لا يعملون شيئاً.. من لا يتعب لا يحس بطعم الراحة ومن لا يجوع لا يحس بطعم الأكل، كل مشاوير بيتزاهت وماكدونالد لم تعد تسعد صغارنا ولم يبق إلا متعة صغيرة في النوم في بيت الخالة والتي لا يسمح بها دائماً ولذلك بقي لها شيء من المتعة!
هذا السيناريو السائد في معظم المنازل السعودية والخليجية، المصيبة لا تحدث الآن ولكنها تحدث بعد عشرين سنة من التبطح تكون نتيجتها بنت غير صالحة للزواج وولد غير صالح لتحمل أعباء الزواج ، لأنه ببساطة غياب تحمل المسؤولية لمدة عشرين عاماً لا يمكن أن يتغير من خلالها الابن بسبب قرار الزواج أو بسبب تغير سياسة المنزل، لأن هذه خصال وقدرات إذا لم تبن مع الزمن فإنه من الصعوبة بمكان استعادتها. الانضباط ممارسة يومية لا يمكن أن تقرر أن تنضبط في عمر متأخرة لكي يحدث الانضباط. وبلا انضباط لا يمكن أن تستقيم حياة .
بيل غيتس أغنى رجل في العالم يملك 49 ألف مليون دولار أي ما يعادل 180 ألف مليون ريال سعودي ويعمل في منزله شخصان فقط! تخيلوا لو كان بيل غيتس خليجياً كم سيعمل في منزله من شغاله؟ 30، 40، ألف، أو أهل اندونيسيا كلهم !
أذكر أيام دراستي في أمريكا أنني سكنت مع عائلة أمريكية ثرية ولم يكونوا يأكلون في ماكدونالد إلا مرة في الشهر وتحت إلحاح شديد من أولادهم، ولم يكن أولادهم يحصلون على مصروف إلا عن طريق العمل في شركة والدهم عن أجر بالساعة. لا أحد 'يبعزق' الدراهم على أولاده كأهل الخليج.
جيل الآباء الحاليين في الخليج عانى من شظف العيش وقسوة التربية فجاء الإغداق المالي والدلال على الجيل الحالي بلا حدود كتعويض عن حرمان سابق. حتى أثرياء عرب الشام ومصر أكثر حذراً في مسألة الصرف على أولادهم .
الآن أجيال كثيرة في الخليج قادمة للزواج لن تستطيع تحمل الأعباء المالي ة لخادمة، حتى وإن كانت خادمة بيت الأهل تقوم بهذا الدور مؤقتاً فإنها لن تستطيع على المدى الطويل.. والابن الفاضل سيتأفف من أول مشوار لزوجته الجديدة ثم تبدأ الشجارات الصغيرة والكبيرة التي تتطور وتصل للمحاكم وتنتهي بالطلاق وهذا مايفسر ارتفاع معدلات الطلاق في المملكة والخليج في السنوات الأخيرة .
نحن في الخليج كمن يلعب مباراة كرة قدم ومهزوم فيها تسعة صفر وفي الدقيقة 49 من الشوط الثاني للمباراة لا يريد أن يتعادل فقط بل يريد أن يفوز! وهذا في حكم المستحيل، هذا ما يحدث بالضبط في الخليج على المستوى الأسري وأحياناً على المستوى الدولي .
الحياة كمباراة كرة القدم إذا أردت أن تكسبها، فلابد أن تعد نفسك لها إعداداً جيداً بالتدريب والممارسة الجيدة والأهم من ذلك أن تلعب بجد من الدقيقة الأولى من المباراة وليس في الدقيقة 49!
في الخليج يعيشون الحياة على طريقة 'تتدبر'! يذهبون إلى السينما مت أخرين ثم يجدون التذاكر نفدت ثم يجادلون بائع التذاكر 'دبر لنا ياخي'!!
هذه التذاكر ينطبق عليها ما ينطبق على تربية الأولاد وتحمل المسؤولية والمستقبل وتبعاته، في المجتمع المدني يجب أن تدبر أمورك مبكراً وفي أمور الحياة يجب أن تبذل عمرك كله، الطفل الذي يرمي حقيبته بجانب أقرب جدار في المنزل سيدفع ثمن هذه اللامبالاة حينما يكبر ومن أصعب الأشياء تغيير الطبائع والسلوك .
' تتدبر' هذه تصلح قديماً في زمن الغوص وزمن الصحراء والحياة في انتظار المطر، ولكنها لا تصلح للحياة المدنية التي تحتاج إلى انضباط ومنهج وتخطيط وتدبير منا نحن في كل شؤون حياتنا منذ الدقيقة الأولى من المباراة !
الآن من نلوم على هذه اللامبالاة، هل نلوم النفط؟ أم الآباء أم الأمهات، أم الأولاد أم البنات؟ أم تتدبر !!
"You have to feel the bitterness of failure in order to enjoy the sweetness of success." All Copyrights Reserved©
May 31, 2008
Hooray , Two day weekend for Omani banks
Congratulations to all the Banks in Sultanate of Oman, the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) has announced by issuing a circular to the banking sector for adopting two day Friday-Saturday weekend like the other AGCC countries.
The government hasn’t announced its shift to Friday-Saturday instead of the current Thursday-Friday weekend.
Source: New bank holidays
MUSCAT — The Central Bank of Oman (CBO) has issued a circular to the banking sector, approving a request from the commercial banks to change their working days and weekend holidays. All the banks will operate from Sunday to Thursday, effective from July and will be closed on Friday and Saturday.
Hamood bin Sangour Al Zedjali, executive president of the CBO, said the approval granted in response to a request from the commercial banks was aimed at streamlining the banking activities in line with the international practice as most of the international markets and banking establishments operate on Thursdays.
This change would provide the Sultanate’s banks an opportunity to conduct businesses with their counterparts worldwide, he added. The board of governors of the CBO would, in collaboration with the Council of Ministers, hold a meeting in mid-June to endorse the said decision, which would be enforced from July, he added.
The government hasn’t announced its shift to Friday-Saturday instead of the current Thursday-Friday weekend.
Source: New bank holidays
May 30, 2008
Deadlock situation...!!!
Boss said to secretary: For a week we will go abroad, so make arrangement.
Secretary make call to Husband: For a week my boss and I will be going abroad, you look after yourself.
Husband make call to secret lover: My wife is going abroad for a week, so lets spend the week together.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: I have work for a week, so you need not come for class.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, for a week I don't have classes 'coz my teacher is busy. Lets spend the week together.
Grandpa (the 1st boss ;)) make call to his secretary: This week I am spending my time with my grandson. We cannot attend that meeting.
Secretary make call to her husband: This week my boss has some work, we cancelled our trip.
Husband make call to secret lover: We cannot spend this week together, my wife has cancelled her trip.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: This week we will have class as usual.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, my teacher said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I can't give you company.
Grandpa (boss) make call to his secretary: Don't worry this week we will attend that meeting, so make arrangements.
Secretary make call to Husband: For a week my boss and I will be going abroad, you look after yourself.
Husband make call to secret lover: My wife is going abroad for a week, so lets spend the week together.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: I have work for a week, so you need not come for class.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, for a week I don't have classes 'coz my teacher is busy. Lets spend the week together.
Grandpa (the 1st boss ;)) make call to his secretary: This week I am spending my time with my grandson. We cannot attend that meeting.
Secretary make call to her husband: This week my boss has some work, we cancelled our trip.
Husband make call to secret lover: We cannot spend this week together, my wife has cancelled her trip.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving private tution: This week we will have class as usual.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, my teacher said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I can't give you company.
Grandpa (boss) make call to his secretary: Don't worry this week we will attend that meeting, so make arrangements.
Two day weekend for Omani banks (rumours)
Rumours about Omani banks having Two day weekend plus shifting to Friday-Saturday weekend becoming spicy, as it has been circulating in several banks, but nothing is officially confirmed yet. It is been said it will start from July 2008.
It may be a good news for allot of people, and if it is implemented, I believe the government will shift to Friday-Saturday weekend by beginning of the schools 2008-2009.
If the banks shift to Friday-Saturday weekend and the government doesn’t, it will create conflict of interest.
Best wishes.
It may be a good news for allot of people, and if it is implemented, I believe the government will shift to Friday-Saturday weekend by beginning of the schools 2008-2009.
If the banks shift to Friday-Saturday weekend and the government doesn’t, it will create conflict of interest.
Best wishes.
May 29, 2008
Hadeeth - Sahih Bukhari: Book 1: Volume 3: Hadith 69
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Facilitate things to people
(concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them
good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam)."
69 - حدثنا محمد بن بشار قال: حدثنا يحيى بن سعيد قال: حدثنا شعبة قال:
حدثني أبو التياح، عن أنس،
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:(يسروا ولا تعسروا
وبشروا ولا تنفروا).
Sadaqa RasuluLlah
W I S D O M of the day:
Give your Islamic knowledge in steps and in a way that people would never like to miss it.
May 28, 2008
Notes of life
It’s been a while, away from the visual life, the Second Life. All of things been going on, engagements, weddings, death, ups and downs, challenges, teamwork, etc.
Oman in ‘Second Life’ Map
About the Second Life, Sultanate of Oman government is planning to promote it self as a country in Internet-based virtual world ‘Second Life’ for tourism purposes; its just an idea, hope it will pay.
Engagements and weddings
last week Big Moe has finally tied the knot for second time alhamdulillah, and the wedding reception will be after one week from now.
End of life
As birth is the start of life so Death is the end of the life, that’s the cycle of life no one knows how it ends, it can end in many forms including predation, disease, habitat destruction, senescence, malnutrition and accidents or physical injury; only God ‘Allah’ knows how it happens and what the reason behind it.
Why am I talking about death? It’s been one week since the death of my colleague who worked at the same building for some times but it was the first time I spoke to him was the day before he passed away to next life. He ended his journey on earth and he is now living in his new home ‘the grave’ and started the next journey of life until the judgment day, if Allah will his last journey will be in the Haven, and I believe he will be, he may already have beautiful castles because of been devoted Muslim and his support to the people in need in form of donations etc with out boosting or telling to anyone.
When I saw him, I seen a glow in his face, happiness and that made me believe he is a devoted Muslim.
Ups and downs/ challenges/ teamwork, etc.
I was feeling stressed for sometime because of work and studies, etc; I got tied up with allot of stuff at the same time, that messed me up for nearly three months. Thank God ‘Allah’ that I managed to sort some of things out and got through it.
It was a challenge for me and I managed to be my self, with out God and everyone who have supported me, I wouldn’t have managed to get through it. Teamwork and motivation makes a difference.
Addicted to ‘Owned’
I got addicted to ‘Owned’ (Own Your Friends! Give Human Gifts! Put yourself on the market and find out how much you’re worth!) by posting some photos, buying other people artistic photos, etc. I now worth over one million.
That’s all for now, time to go to bed, think of getting up to catch up with my studies.
It’s been a while, away from the visual life, the Second Life. All of things been going on, engagements, weddings, death, ups and downs, challenges, teamwork, etc.
Oman in ‘Second Life’ Map
About the Second Life, Sultanate of Oman government is planning to promote it self as a country in Internet-based virtual world ‘Second Life’ for tourism purposes; its just an idea, hope it will pay.
Engagements and weddings
last week Big Moe has finally tied the knot for second time alhamdulillah, and the wedding reception will be after one week from now.
End of life
As birth is the start of life so Death is the end of the life, that’s the cycle of life no one knows how it ends, it can end in many forms including predation, disease, habitat destruction, senescence, malnutrition and accidents or physical injury; only God ‘Allah’ knows how it happens and what the reason behind it.
Why am I talking about death? It’s been one week since the death of my colleague who worked at the same building for some times but it was the first time I spoke to him was the day before he passed away to next life. He ended his journey on earth and he is now living in his new home ‘the grave’ and started the next journey of life until the judgment day, if Allah will his last journey will be in the Haven, and I believe he will be, he may already have beautiful castles because of been devoted Muslim and his support to the people in need in form of donations etc with out boosting or telling to anyone.
When I saw him, I seen a glow in his face, happiness and that made me believe he is a devoted Muslim.
Ups and downs/ challenges/ teamwork, etc.
I was feeling stressed for sometime because of work and studies, etc; I got tied up with allot of stuff at the same time, that messed me up for nearly three months. Thank God ‘Allah’ that I managed to sort some of things out and got through it.
It was a challenge for me and I managed to be my self, with out God and everyone who have supported me, I wouldn’t have managed to get through it. Teamwork and motivation makes a difference.
Addicted to ‘Owned’
I got addicted to ‘Owned’ (Own Your Friends! Give Human Gifts! Put yourself on the market and find out how much you’re worth!) by posting some photos, buying other people artistic photos, etc. I now worth over one million.
That’s all for now, time to go to bed, think of getting up to catch up with my studies.
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