Jul 25, 2011

After Years

Time passed by, waiting for some people to come along to bring happiness and joy to our lives, but they avoided to do so.

Other people came along, brought us happiness and made us feel like it part of them, without an invitation. We still were waiting for the same people to come along, but there is no hope for them to do so sail their ship to the shore.

We decided to accept it, it's not as easy at it seems, but we have a choice to be happy, with loved ones.

Jul 23, 2011

من هذا

إذا مات أحد الفنانين أو المطربين نبكي ونحزن عليهم؛ ولكن إذا مات أجد الشخصيات الدينية، نقول بنظرة استحقار ولا مبالاة "من هذا؟"

أ هذا عيب علينا؟لقد فضلنا الدنيا عن الدين،لقد نسينا عذاب القبر والاخرة ونار جهنم؟

الله يرحم اخر الأنبياء عليه الصلاة والسلام، بعث لينذرنا وها نحن نرقص ونمرح مع نغمات معسوفات الكفار، وهاجرنا القرأن.

Jul 15, 2011

I'm proud of you

On Wednesday 13th July 2011, HSBC Oman, the world's local bank posted an article at Oman Observer newspaper, it titled was "HSBC recognizes outstanding quarterly achievers".

Guess what?! My baby sister is one of the achievers, and I'm proud of her.
