Nov 29, 2007

The deadly phone call

The phone is ringing, she picks up the phone & looks at the caller's name displays on the phone's screen, her heart started pounding with happiness that her Prince Charm is on the other side of the phone waiting for her response.

At that moment flashing memories of the first time she saw him, listening the gossips of so many women admiring him for his IQ, qualifications & charms that sweeps women's minds.

Her first impression that he has a geeky look, after months of knowing him, she realised that she fall in love with him. She started to arrange parties & outdoor trips just for him to attend it, she started telling her friends & relatives about him, as a result she was getting logic & irrational advices until she did the deadly mistake that ruined the friendly relationship to an odd one, she told him that she wants to marry him. His response was strait forward & clear & his answer was "No". He considered her as a friend not more then that. She called up everyone & told them what happened, who really cared about her told her that her approach was 100% wrong.

She didn't give, as it is the first time a man say no to her. Phone calls as well as organizing parties & outdoor trips never ended as long as he attends it.

Coming back to the reality, she answers the phone and started talking to him, then he broke up the news "I'm getting married" "I'm telling you because you are my friend."

Her reaction that she was desperate and he got married.

That's the deadly phone call.

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